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blogs and search engine optimization

Blogs and the Art of SEO

Search engine optimization is the art and science of engineering a company's Web site to achieve high rankings on the search engines when prospects are looking for its products and services.

Although the blogosphere contains over 60 million blogs as of this writing, a surprisingly small number of companies have caught on to the fact that a blog can improve its SEO & SEM performance faster and more effectively than any other single technique. Here's how:
  • Properly executed, blogs contain keyword-rich content, repeated steadily over months, weeks, and years. The cumulative effect - steadily higher positioning of the blog on SERP's.
  • Blogs contain outbound links and incoming links, or backlinks. Both types are rewarded by search engines, especially incoming links from high traffic Web sites or blogs. To build link quantity and quality, marketers have a host of linking strategies to choose from.
  • Blogs continually add fresh content, something the search engines value highly.
  • By engineering the blog with a variety of search-engine friendly features, such as using bold and/or header tags for titles and placing internal hyperlinks in posts, the blog will steadily move up on search engine results pages.
  • A blog establishes a company's presence on the rapidly growing number of blog-specific search engines and directories. More and more, customers, suppliers, and journalists first search blogs when looking for information about a company, its products, and its performance.
Fresh content, keyword-rich content and multiple links are difficult and sometimes costly to engineer into a standard company Web site. In contrast, solid SEO performance is a natural byproduct of a well-conceived blog. In fact, most companies launch blogs for reasons other than SEO - for instance, to drive new sales opportunities, enhance service support or open a new channel of customer communication. But in the long run, the SEO & SEM benefits of a blog are just as valuable as these other objectives. Smart companies are blogging now, before the secret gets out.

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